E-Waste Management Policy


Introduction :

EPR Stands for Extended Producer Responsibility. E-Waste Management Rules, 2016 defines “EPR” as the responsibility of every producer of Electrical and Electronic Equipment for channelization of E-waste to an authorized dismantler/ recycler to ensure environmentally sound management of such waste.

E-waste refers to discarded electrical and electronic devices that have reached the end of their useful life and have since been discarded. These waste articles contain several recoverable metals of value but also hazardous materials such as Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, etc., which can harm the environment. Under the E-Waste Handling and Management Rules, Producers are required to ensure safe recycling and disposal of the products and the components introduced by them into the market at the end of their life. It also encourages consumers to divert electronic waste through authorized channels or to pick up services provided by producers.

Need for E-Waste Recycling:

Improper disposal of e-waste can lead to severe environmental consequences. When electronic devices end up in landfills, toxic substances can leach into the soil and contaminate groundwater, affecting both human and animal life. Additionally, the manufacturing of new electronic devices requires significant amounts of energy and resources, contributing to carbon emissions and depletion of natural resources. Refurbishing, Reusing, and recycling E-Waste have various benefits.

Resource Conservation: By recovering precious metals such as ferrous metals, Silver, Copper, Tungsten, Aluminium, etc. from used electronics we can reduce the burden on the natural resources to extract virgin material for the making of new electrical items.

Reduce Landfilling: Diverting E-Waste to recycling instead of landfills reduces the environmental impact and prevents the leaching of hazardous chemicals into the ground and surrounding environment.

Energy Saving: Refurbishing and Recycling E-Waste utilizes less energy than manufacturing new electronics of the same category, in turn reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Job opportunities: The e-waste recycling industry creates employment opportunities, contributing to local economies and sustainable development.

Cambium Retails recognizes the need for responsible handling of end-of-life machinery and parts. We recognize that our organization’s activities significantly impact the environment, and we make sure our products leave a positive influence all around the world.

Cambium is following the directives set by the government. We are very aware of the electronics sold and the waste generated at the end of the life of these devices. We are complying with the E-Waste regulations and keeping track of the E-Waste generation through diligent reporting on the E-Waste portal created by CPCB.

To raise awareness about the E-Waste EPR and teach staff members the correct techniques for treating EEE at the end of their lives, Cambium also contracts with qualified organizations to host interactive workshops for their staff and material handling team.

E-Waste Recycling Dos and Don’ts:

In addition to the compliances fulfilled by Cambium Retails, our customers, being important stakeholders can contribute to the activity to prevent potential environmental harm. With the help of the consumers, the improper disposal of electronics can be prevented.


  •  Donate or sell: If your electronic devices are still in working condition, consider donating them to schools, non-profit organizations, or individuals in need. Alternatively, you can sell them through reputable platforms to give them a second life.
  • Find Certified Recyclers: Look for a certified e-waste recycling facility that follows rules and regulations laid out by E-Waste Handling and Management rules and abides by environmental safety standards.
  • Battery and Glass Safety: Always disconnect the battery from the product and ensure any glass surfaces are protected against breakage
  • Signs and Logos: Always check the Logos and Signs on electronic packaging


  • Do not dismantle electronic Products without a technician.
  • Do not dispose of non-working electronics in unorganized or informal sectors.
  • Do not throw electronics in the bin without checking the precautionary labels on the packaging.
  • Don’t forget to properly label and package e-waste, especially if it contains batteries or other potentially hazardous materials.